ViFM How to: Using ssh fs mount on MacOS X(and avoiding FUSE MOUNT ERROR)

  1. Install sshfs from MacPort(Prepare it if you haven't install yet)

    sudo port install sshfs

  2. Put line below to vifmrc

    :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR

  3. Create a text file like this(First line contains username and servername and path to be mounted. )

    echo username@some.server:/home/username > someserver.ssh

  4. Open vifm and push enter on someserver.ssh

if you see FUSE MOUNT ERROR at this point, You can avoid it by patching vifm source code.

How to patch vifm to avoid sshfs FUSE mounting error

Uninstall vifm if you are using MacPort version.

sudo port uninstall vifm
  1. Download source code from official page

  2. Untar and cd to root of code.

  3. Download vifm-for-mac.patch. and put it to same folder.

  4. Patch it

    patch -p1 <vifm-for-mac.patch

  5. Re-build and install it

    ./configure ./make ./make install


This patch is workaround. It skips status checking of sshfs command. It may causes critical damage to your system. Don't use it and wait for official support if you are not understanding the means of the patch code.

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